MovieLens 100k Details

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This page contains specific details about the MovieLens 100k dataset. For more general information, please have a look at the MovieLens page in this wiki.

See also: MovieLens 100k benchmark results

Academic Papers Using the MovieLens 100k Dataset

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Detailed Statistics

scripts/ data/ml-100k/

100000 unique events (user-item combinations) out of 100000, 943 users, 1682 items
sparsity: 93.6953 percent
first event: 1997-09-20 03:05:10, last event: 1998-04-22 23:10:38
Event levels and frequencies:
  1:	6110	(0.0611)
  2:	11370	(0.1137)
  3:	27145	(0.2715)
  4:	34174	(0.3417)
  5:	21201	(0.2120)
Event frequencies by month:
  1997-09:	6704
  1997-10:	10304
  1997-11:	23980
  1997-12:	11911
  1998-01:	14095
  1998-02:	10991
  1998-03:	12656
  1998-04:	9359