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- /Dice and Tyversky
- 13th ACM Conference on Ubiquitous Computing
- 17th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
- 18th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
- 2010 Challenge on Context-aware Movie Recommendation
- 2010 Workshop on Recommender Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning
- 2011 Challenge on Context-aware Movie Recommendation
- 2011 Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization
- 2011 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces
- 2012 Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization
- 2012 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces
- 2013 Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization
- 2013 ECML PKDD Discovery Challenge 2013 - Recommending Given Names
- 34th European Conference on Information Retrieval
- ACM Conference on Recommender Systems
- ACM International Conference on Recommender Systems
- ACM RecSys
- ACM RecSys 2012
- ACM RecSys 2013
- ACM Recommender Systems
- ACM Recommender Systems 2009
- ACM Recommender Systems 2010
- ACM Recommender Systems 2011
- ACM Recommender Systems 2012
- ACM Recommender Systems 2013
- ACM Recommender Systems 2014
- ACM Recommender Systems 2015
- ACM SAC 2012
- ACM Symposium on Applied Computing 2012
- ADeNu
- Active Learning
- Active learning
- Adenu
- Alan Said
- Alibaba
- Alphabet
- Amazon
- Andrej Kosir
- Apache Mahout
- Apple
- Area Under the ROC Curve
- Berlin
- Beyond Algorithms: An HCI Perspective on Recommender Systems
- BibSonomy
- Blog
- Blogs
- Book
- CAMRa2010
- CAMRa2011
- CAMRa 2010
- CAMRa 2011
- CF
- CaRR2011
- CaRR 2011
- Case-Based Reasoning
- Case-based reasoning
- Cold-Start Problem
- Cold-start problem
- Collaborative Filtering
- Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems
- Collaborative filtering
- Common Recommender REST API
- Content-Based Filtering
- Content-based filtering
- Context
- Context-Aware Recommendation
- Context-aware recommendation
- Context-aware recommender system
- Context-aware recommender systems
- Context-specific
- Cosine similarity
- Crab
- Criteo
- Crowd-powered recommendation for continuous digital media access and exchange in social networks
- CrowdRec
- Daniel Tunkelang
- Datasets
- DeepMind
- Delicious
- Discounted Cumulative Gain
- Discounted cumulative gain
- Dissertations
- Dynamic Personalization of Multimedia
- Easyrec
- Educational Recommender Systems
- Educational Recommender Systems and Technologies: Practices and Challenges
- Educational recommender systems
- Empire 2013
- Empire 2014
- Ensemble
- Ersat
- European Conference on Information Retrieval
- European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases
- Evaluating collaborative filtering recommender systems
- Evaluation measure
- Expectation-Maximization
- Explicit feedback
- F-measure
- Feature-based matrix factorization
- Filmaster
- Filmaster API
- Filmtipset
- Flixster
- FolkRank
- Formative evaluation
- Gradient descent
- Gravity
- Grocery shopping datasets
- GroupLens
- GroupLens Research
- Group recommendation
- Harry Potter effect
- Hulu
- Hybrid Recommender
- Hybrid recommendation
- Hybrid recommender
- IJCAI 2011
- IUI2012
- Implicit feedback
- Internships
- Item prediction
- Item recommendation
- Iui2011
- Iui2012
- Java
- Joost de Wit
- Julia Hoxha
- KDD 2011
- KDD 2012
- KDD Cup 2007
- KDD Cup 2011
- Knewton
- Knowledge & Data Engineering
- LDOS Comoda
- LDOS PerAff 1
- Latent semantic analysis
- Latent semantic indexing
- LensKit
- Lenskit
- LibRec
- LightFM
- List of RecSys-relevant Conferences
- List of recommender system blogs
- List of recommender system dissertations
- List of recommender systems master's theses
- M. D. Ekstrand
- Mahout
- Main Page
- Manipulation of recommender systems
- Manual:Interwiki
- Manual:PAGENAMEE encoding
- Manual:User rights
- MapReduce
- Maria Augusta Silveira Netto Nunes
- Marko Tkalcic
- Marko Tkalčič
- Matrix Factorization
- Matrix factorization
- Mean absolute error
- Measure
- Measures
- Meta
- Michael Ekstrand
- Million Song Dataset
- Million Song Dataset Challenge
- Million songs dataset
- MovieLens
- MovieLens 100k
- MovieLens 100k Details
- MovieLens 100k benchmark results
- MovieLens 10M
- MovieLens 10M Details
- MovieLens 1M
- MovieLens 1M Details
- MovieTweetings
- Movie recommender systems
- Moviepilot
- Movietweetings
- Mrec
- Music
- Music Recommendation
- Music recommendation
- MyMedia
- MyMediaLite
- MyMediaLite/Dice and Tyversky
- MyMediaLite/Workshop projects
- NVidia
- Neal Lathia
- Netflix
- Netflix Prize
- News recommendation
- Normalized discounted cumulative gain
- Normalized mean absolute error
- Objective evaluation measures
- Okapi
- Open Recommendation Platform
- Open positions at Apaxo 2012
- Open positions at Comcast 2013
- Open positions at Netflix 2011
- Open positions at Netflix 2012
- Open positions at Nokia 2012
- Open positions at Nokia 2013
- Open positions at Otto Group
- Open positions at Otto Group 2012
- Open positions at Zalando 2020
- Oscar Celma
- Paper:Swearingen & Sinha (2001), Beyond Algorithms: An HCI Perspective on Recommender Systems
- Paul Resnick
- Pearson correlation
- Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient
- People
- Personalized Music Retrieval
- Playlist
- Playlist recommendation
- Plista
- Plista Contest
- Positive predictive value
- Practical Recommender Systems
- Precision
- Precision and Recall
- Precision and recall
- Predicting movie ratings and recommender systems
- Python-recsys
- Qualitative user-studies
- Quantitative user experiments or field trials
- RankSys
- Rating prediction
- Ratings
- ReSHeT
- RecDB
- RecLab Prize
- RecLab Prize On
- RecSys-frontend
- RecSys2010
- RecSys2011
- RecSys2012
- RecSys2014
- RecSysChallenge
- RecSysTEL
- RecSysWiki
- RecSys 2010
- RecSys 2011
- RecSys 2012
- RecSys 2013
- RecSys 2014
- RecSys 2015
- RecSys community
- RecSys get-together in Berlin
- Recall
- Recdb
- Recommendable
- Recommendation Datasets
- Recommendation Software
- Recommender101
- RecommenderAPI for Drupal
- Recommender Meetup Amsterdam
- Recommender Stammtisch
- Recommender System
- Recommender Systems: An Introduction
- Recommender Systems Challenge
- Recommender Systems Meetup in Berlin
- Recommender Systems in E-Learning Settings
- Recommender Systems in the Social Web: Heterogeneity and Time Dimension
- Recommender system
- Recommender systems
- Recommender systems in educational settings
- Recommending movies
- Recsys
- Recsys2009
- Recsys2010
- Recsys2011
- Recsys2012
- Recsys 2012
- Regularization
- Research paper recommendation
- RiVal
- Root mean square error
- Rs4vlc
- Rsels
- Ruby
- Ruby on Rails
- SIGIR 2011
- SVD++
- SVDFeature
- SVDPlusPlus
- Semantic Recommendations based on Large Unstructured Datasets
- Sensitivity
- Similar
- Similarity measure
- Simplifying user-centric evaluation
- Singular value decomposition
- SnoopyTagging
- Social filtering
- Spotify
- Standardization of user-centric evaluation
- Standardization of user-centric evaluation metrics
- Stochastic gradient descent
- Subjective evaluation measures
- Summary of Matrix Factorization Tricks
- Summative evaluation
- Supervised learning
- Tag
- TagRec
- Tag recommendation
- Taste
- Tatarnikov Alexander (diezelsun)
- Tf-idf
- The Galaxy of Movies
- Tianqi Chen
- Till Plumbaum
- To Do List
- Top-N recommendation
- Trade-offs between formative and summative evaluation
- UMAP2011
- UMAP 2011
- UMAP 2012
- UMAP 2013
- UbiComp 2011